Mirror, Mirror, On the Stage...

Discover a show-stopping addition to your theatre-themed decor with The Music & The Mirror, where every reflection tells a story!

Thank you so much for checking out our small business, we really hope you find something to bring A Little Glitter In The Grey to your life with our stage mirrors, baubles, bookmarks, coasters and more!

Please make sure to tag us in your #StageySelfie on Instagram and TikTok @TheMusicAndTheMirrorShop.

Keep shining!

Love, Amy and Lucy x

Coming soon to a mirror near you...

Here at The Music & The Mirror, we are constantly adding new shows and new goodies to our collections. Are there any musicals missing that you want to see? A bauble design that you are wanting on a coaster instead? How about a custom design?

Contact us at info@themusicandthemirror.com for more information!

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